Roadside Assistance Programs – What are they and Who are they for?

Roadside Assistance Program

If you are like most people, automobile problems never occur at a convenient time. If you do have issues, you probably don’t always have the proper equipment to get yourself back moving on the road again.

Spending a few dollars a month for a emergency roadside assistance type option on your insurance policy may just be the extra piece of mind that you are looking for.

You may think that this is something extra that you are paying for that you won’t use. However, it only takes one time having a flat tire, or your battery won’t start one early morning as you are taking the kids to school and call for roadside assistance. At that moment you actually realize how valuable of a service it really is.

So What Do Roadside Assistance Options Typically Cover?

This option does vary by your insurance, so be sure to check with your agent as to the particulars of your policy:

  • Flat Tires: As mentioned above, there is never a good time for a flat tire. Having a professional do the job not only assures that your replacement tire is put one properly, but you may be located in a dangerous location with traffic.
  • Battery Jump: Especially living in our Minnesota winters, perhaps you don’t have jumper cables available, or you are not sure of how to handle them. Having a professional jump your vehicle is not only the smart choice, but the safest one.
  • Out of Gas: It has happened to all of us at one time or another in our lifetime. Sometimes it may not be because we forgot to refuel, but because of a malfunction with the computer or gas gauge itself.
  • Lock Outs: Most of these services offer some sort of locksmith service, which can be very handy when you have misplaced your keys or the key fob malfunctions. This is much more convenient, and less embarrassing than having to call the local police for help.

If you are interested in more information about roadside assistance programs, or would like to inquire about adding it to your current insurance policy, give us a call at 651-739-9684 and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.
