Understanding Why Certain Dog Breeds Are Considered High-Risk and Excluded from Homeowners Insurance

Dogs have been known to be man’s best friend, providing unconditional love and companionship. However, some dog breeds are excluded from homeowners insurance policies, leaving many pet owners frustrated and confused. In this article, we will explore why some dog breeds are excluded from homeowners insurance policies and what pet owners can do about it.

The Risk of Dog Bites

One of the primary reasons why some dog breeds are excluded from homeowners insurance policies is due to the risk of dog bites. Insurance companies view certain breeds as high-risk due to their reputation for aggressive behavior, and are therefore more likely to cause injuries or property damage. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4.7 million dog bites occur in the United States each year, and insurance companies have to take this into account when calculating risk.

Breed-Specific Legislation

Another reason why some dog breeds are excluded from homeowners insurance policies is due to breed-specific legislation. Some states and cities have passed laws that ban certain breeds deemed dangerous, such as pit bulls, rottweilers, and doberman pinschers. Insurance companies may choose to exclude coverage for these breeds to avoid potential liability in case of a dog bite or other related incidents.

Insurance Company Policies

Finally, insurance companies have their own policies regarding which dog breeds they will and will not cover. Some companies may exclude certain breeds altogether, while others may have restrictions on coverage or require higher premiums for certain breeds. This can vary from company to company and can be dependent on several factors, including the company’s past experiences with claims involving specific breeds, as well as their own risk assessment and underwriting guidelines.

What Can Pet Owners Do?

If you own a dog that is excluded from your homeowners insurance policy, there are several steps you can take. First, consider shopping around for different insurance companies to find one that offers coverage for your dog breed. You may also want to consider purchasing a separate liability policy specifically for your dog, which can provide coverage in case of a dog bite or other related incidents.

Another option is to take steps to reduce the risk of dog bites or property damage. This can include training your dog to be well-behaved and socialized, ensuring they are up-to-date on vaccinations and spayed or neutered, and securing your property with fencing or other barriers to prevent escape.

In conclusion, some dog breeds are excluded from homeowners insurance policies due to the risk of dog bites, breed-specific legislation, and insurance company policies. Pet owners can take steps to find alternative insurance coverage or reduce the risk of incidents involving their dogs. It is important to remember that while insurance coverage is important, responsible dog ownership is paramount in ensuring the safety of your pet and others around them.
