Classic Car Insurance

Modern Insurance for Your Classic Car

Since antique and collector cars are used very differently by their owners, Lindeman Insurance Agency, Inc. will work with you so that you have the right insurance coverage based on your particular needs.

Homeowners Fall Maintenance Tips

Homeowners Fall Maintenance Tips

Homeowners Fall Maintenance Tips: Although it is common as a homeowner to think about your home maintenance and upkeep during the spring months, fall is also critical in preparing your home for the upcoming changes in the weather – that being winter!

We all know that mother nature has her own plans, however doing some basic preparedness may prevent worse issues as the temperature drops and it is more difficult to see and identify potential issues.

To help prepare your home for the change in the seasons, here are some helpful tips.

Distracted Drivine

Every Second Matters – Stop Distracted Driving

Reading while driving creates a visual distraction. And it can be as dangerous as driving with your eyes closed. You can stand up to distracted driving. Share this video and help stop distracted driving now.

Preparing for the Blast of Winter

Preparing for the Blast of Winter

Here in Minnesota, we know the drill. Four or five months of bundling up, heavy cloths, warming up the car, seeing your breath as you run to catch the paper. Old Man Winter is here, are you prepared? Prepare your home for a winter storm: Weather-strip doors and windows and make sure the walls and […]

Do You Need Personal Umbrella Insurance

Do YOU Need Personal Umbrella Coverage? Most Likely, YES!

A common myth is that the only folks that need “Umbrella Insurance” are the wealthy. Well, that is not the case anymore. Sure the average person may not need the millions of dollars of coverage, and yes, Personal Umbrella insurance is optional, but that doesn’t mean that you should not look into this type of coverage.

Do You Need Terrorism Insurance for Your Business?

Do You Need Terrorism Insurance for Your Business?

A regular business insurance policy does not cover any losses due to acts of terrorism. This insurance is sold separately and is added to your current policy. These types of additions are often known as a “rider”.
Damaged property such as buildings, inventory and equipment are covered by these terrorism insurance policies. In addition, you may be able to recover your loss of business caused by the event.