Dog Bites and Liability: What Homeowners Should Know

Pets are a huge part of many American households, and dogs take up a large percentage.

About 47 million households have cats, another 7.9 million have birds, and 12.5 million have freshwater fish. However, dogs hold the top spot with over 60 million US households, according to the American Pet Products Association’s 2017-2017 survey. On top of that figure, many owners have more than one dog which account for close to 90 million dogs as pets in the United States alone.

With this many dogs, there are going to be mishaps and bites. There are over 4 million dog bite incidents every year according to the CDC. Over half of these occur at a home with a family or neighbor’s dog and many of these dog related injuries involve children.

Homeowners Insurance and Dog Bites:

Your homeowners or renters insurance typically covered dog-related injuries under your liability coverage, which can vary from $100,000 to $300,000. However, in the event that the claim is more than your coverage, you will end up paying out of pocket any monies owed over your limit.

Buying a Dog:

If you are looking at purchasing a dog. you should check with your insurance company to make sure that the particular breed that you are interested will be convered under your liability. Some companies do not cover certain breeds, regardless whether or not they have a history of biting or has been deemed as dangerous.

If you want to read more about this, visit: Why Some Dog Breeds Are Excluded From Homeowners Insurance

The Numbers are Stagering:

  • The average claim for a dog incident in the United Stated in 2017 was a little over $37,000.
  • According to State Farm, insurance companies paid over $686 million in liability claims due to dog-related injuries in 2017.
  • Minnesota is one of the top 10 states for dog bite claims, with 486 claims in 2017 alone and at an average cost of $29,000 each.

Laws and Statues Vary from State to State Regarding Dog Bite Injuries:

These are Minnesota Dog Bite Injury Laws and Owner Liability Rules:
347.22 – Damages, Owner Liable: If a dog, without provocation, attacks or injures any person who is acting peaceably in any place where the person may lawfully be, the owner of the dog is liable in damages to the person so attacked or injured to the full amount of the injury sustained. The term “owner” includes any person harboring or keeping a dog but the owner shall be primarily liable. The term “dog” includes both male and female of the canine species.

If you own a dog and have questions about whether or not your homeowners insurance covers your pet, your best bet is to give your insurance agent a call: 651-739-9684.
