Warning: Freezing Weather Can Mean Ice Dams and Freezing Pipes

The extreme weather temperatures we are experiencing this winter can have devastating effects on not only your water pipes, but your roof causing ice dams.

What are Ice Dams?
In these cold temperatures, the heat from your house rises into the attic and warms the roof from below. This rising heat melts the snow that is settled on your roof, while the edges of it remain cooler. The water from the melting snow begins to drip and refreezes once it contacts the colder areas of your roof such as the gutters and overhang. This new ice starts to build up and prevents the newly melted snow from running down and escaping through the shingles, gutters and pipes. Eventually this build up can create leaks, water damage and even mold.

Preventing Ice Dams:
As a homeowner, heading off these ice dams before they even start to do damage is the best prevention. However, there are some other tips to help.

  • If possible, remove leaves and other debris in the late fall from your roof , gutters and ventilation spots.
  • Check your insulation in your attack and replace it if necessary.
  • Check your vents and areas around electrical outlets and furnace vents for any leaks – this escaping heat will increase your risk of developing ice damage.
    Repair of replace any damages shingles before the cold season even starts.

Does Homeowner’s Insurance Typically Cover Damage from Ice Dams?
Most homeowner’s policies do covered this type of damage, however if you have any questions, it is always best to check with your insurance agent about your coverage before you have to actually file for a claim.
